Next Generation 9-1-1 and
Emergency Communications
Avistas professionals have been active in Enhanced 9-1-1, Public Safety communications and wireless technologies for several decades. Emphasis is on best utilization of resources to meet defined goals for performance and the Protection of the Public. We have extensive background in integrated communications via TCP/IP and multi-media digital communications, which are the basis for the new capabilities in Next Generation 9-1-1 services and Emergency Communications Integration, including Radio Interoperability.
Avistas qualifications include Texas Professional Engineering registration (P.E.) and NENA Emegency Number Professional certification (ENP).
Additionally, Avistas advises some of the world's largest corporations on mission critical applications, communications and technical decisions and we can bring "best practices" from those environments to your NG9-1-1 migration process, as well as for Radio Interoperability maong Public Safety organizatons.
The network services to support NG9-1-1 and interoperability with Radio Dispatch Systems are being deployed in the USA with assistance from NENA, various public carriers and systems vendors. NG9-1-1 is the next logical migration in emergency communication services. It is not necessarily more complex than Enhanced 9-1-1, simply different. The processes and procedures you now use will, for the most part, remain unchanged. There will new types of calls to be handled and perhaps new ways to transfer calls, images, video, and other information, but "best in class" operations and support education will effectively address these issues.
The introduction of FirstNet LTE based Emergency Communications services introduces new interoperability and budget planning processes that must be addressed.
The links below provide additonal information.
Texas APCO-TENA 2012 - Effective project creation, planning and execution is not difficult with good processes.
Successful Projects - How Does That Work?
Texas APCO-TENA 2012 - "Food for thought" allowing a rational examination of issues related to technology and services upgrade initiatives.
Technology Upgrade Considerations
Texas NENA 2010 - Next Generation Emergency Communications Intelligent Migration - A Well-Managed Path from Enhanced 9-1-1 to Next Generation Emergency Communications Services.
Avistas NG Emergency Communications Intelligent Migration
A detailed outline of Avistas Emergency Services Operations and Technology capabilities.
Avistas Emergency Services Operations & Technology Capabilities
A Partial list of government clients of Avistas and its professionals.
Avistas past Governmental Clients
Recommendations for a Secure Emergency Services Network.
The Case for IPv6 in Secure Networks
A discussion of cost effective Emergency Network design.
Networks that Work for You.